Twitter Now Into Flash Sales with @EarlyBird Fashion in Mind!

Wow, who would of thought that online flash sales would have gotten so big! Twitter has recently announced that they will be trying their hand at flash sales with @EarlyBird.

EarlyBird will provide exclusive offers from select advertisers that will be selected just for the Twitter community.


“Twitter is taking a page from some heavily venture-backed startups in flash sales and social buying like Gilt Groupe and Groupon that offer limited-time-only deals sometimes paired with built-in viral mechanics that deepen the discount if friends are recruited. It’s not clear if viral mechanics will come to play as central a role to EarlyBird as they have for other social buying startups. Right now, it looks like a very simple first come, first served model.”

From the @EarlyBird FAQ page:

Will I ever be able to see local deals in my area, let’s say New York or Chicago?

We’re starting with US-wide offers but will explore location-based deals in the future.

What if I’m only interested in offers for a specific category, let’s say fashion or music?

We’re thinking about you, too.

Online shopping sure has evolved, this is exciting!

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