Attention Nyc $50 at SOHO’s Privé!

Say goodbye to flat winter dry hair with BLOWOUTS, BANG TRIMS, GOODY BAGS GALORE all for just $50! This a is $125 value!

“Your luscious locks have been hidden away under a cozy knit cap for far too long–we get it; it’s damn cold out there! But it’s time to reintroduce your tresses to the world, and Reserve has just the way to do it. Soho’s ridiculously chic Privé Salon (a favorite of the gorgeous-haired likes of Gwyneth Paltrow and Julianne Moore) has paired up with R29 for a steal that will have you whipping your hair back and forth with the best of ‘em. Stop by the West Broadway digs for a blowout and bang trim and walk out with a bag full of Privé Formule Aux Herbes products, a $125 value for just $50. And we’re not talking measly mini-samples, either: think full-sized versions of the salon’s beloved daily shampoo and conditioner.”

Grab this deal today at Reverse from R29!